
Xinyang Liu (刘昕洋)

Master student
School of Electronic Engineering
Xidian University
Email: xinyangATK [AT] gmail [dot] com
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Howdy! I am currently a Master student in the School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, advised by Prof. Bo Chen. And I am also advised by Prof. Mingyuan Zhou, an Associate Professor and Curtis Mathes Memorial Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. I received my M.Eng degree from Xidian University in 2024. Previously, I obtained my B.Eng degree from Xidian University in 2021.

My research interests lie in the general area of machine learning, particularly in probabilistic inference and deep learning. My recent researches focus on Generative Modeling and Representation Learning as well as their applications in data generation, multi/cross-modal Learning and few/zero-shot learning.

:fire::fire::fire:I’m looking for PhD 25 Fall!

Welcome collaboration about Generative AI and Multi/Cross-Modal Representation Learning anytime!


Jun 25, 2024 I graduated with a master’s degree in Xidian University! Now I’m looking for PhD 25 Fall and here is my CV!
Apr 26, 2024 Our paper “Patch-Prompt Aligned Bayesian Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models” is accepted by UAI 2024.
Dec 3, 2023 Our paper “MolGuide: 2D Molecular Optimization with Preserved Structural Motifs Guidance” is accepted by the workshop AAAI 2024: LLMs4Bio. It’s my first attempt at “Graph Generation”, where we are doing something new under this topic, please stay tuned!
Sep 23, 2023 Two papers are accepted by NeurIPS 2023!
Apr 27, 2023 Our paper “Bayesian Progressive Deep Topic Model with Knowledge Informed Textual Data Coarsening Process” is accepted by ICML 2023.
Feb 15, 2023 :fire::fire::fire: We have open sourced a new version of PyDPM, and welcome to join the open source library of deep probabilistic models!
PyDPM is a python library focuses on constructing Deep Probabilistic Models (DPMs). Our developed Pydpm not only provides efficient distribution sampling functions on GPU, but also has included the implementations of existing popular DPMs.

selected publications

(*) denotes equal contribution

  1. GBD.png
    Advancing Graph Generation through Beta Diffusion
    Xinyang Liu*, Yilin He*, Bo Chen, and Mingyuan Zhou
    ArXiv 2406.09357, 2024, 2024
  2. PBPrompt.png
    Patch-Prompt Aligned Bayesian Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models
    Xinyang Liu*Dongsheng Wang*, Bowei Fang, Miaoge Li, Zhibin Duan, Yishi Xu, Bo Chen, and Mingyuan Zhou
    Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2024
  3. ProGBN.png
    Bayesian Progressive Deep Topic Model with Knowledge Informed Textual Data Coarsening Process
    Zhibin Duan*Xinyang Liu*, Yudi Su, Yishi Xu, Bo Chen, and Mingyuan Zhou
    The 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023